Jcs Computer Resource, Inc Offers The First In A Series Of Workshops For Small Businesses Considering Or Using Act! Software And The Top 10 Issues Surrounding Network Security April 20, 2007
Released on = April 2, 2007, 7:24 am
Press Release Author = JCS Computer Resource
Industry = Small Business
Press Release Summary = JCS Computer Resource, Inc announced that Rick O'Hara has received certification as a Certified ACT! Trainer and Certification on the ACT! Link to MAS 90, MAS 200 and Peachtree. JCS Computer Resource will now offer a series of mini workshops to small businesses. The first workshop in the series will include a workshop for ACT! Software and a workshop on Network Security.
Press Release Body = Mt. Prospect, IL - March 26, 2006 - JCS Computer Resource, Inc announced that Rick O'Hara has received certification as a Certified ACT! Trainer and Certification on the ACT! Link to MAS 90, MAS 200 and Peachtree. JCS Computer Resource will now offer a series of mini workshops to small businesses. The first workshop in the series will include a workshop for ACT! Software and a workshop on Network Security.
"Our experience tells us that in general people who attend workshops are happier with their software and need less on-going support," said Billie Cook, JCS' training center manager. "The status of being a Sage Premier Training Center will enable us to reach more businesses that can benefit from workshops and the in depth experience of our trainers."
In addition, the instructors are all certified trainers who bring vast hands-on experience and business knowledge to the workshops. Attendees will benefit from the limited number of participants in each workshop, as well as the ability to focus on learning in a small group environment.
For a current calendar of workshops and classes, please visit www.jcscomputer.com or call 847/255-0835. The ACT! Workshop on April 20th runs from 9 a.m.-11 a.m. and the Network Security Workshop on April 20th runs from 1 p. m. until 3 p. m. and offers CPE credits for CPAs attending. The workshops will be held at 17 N. Elmhurst Ave. Suite 107 in Mt. Prospect, IL 847/255-0835.
About JCS Computer Resource Corporation Since 1988 JCS Computer Resource has provided consulting solutions to small and medium sized businesses in automating their processes and increasing efficiency utilizing software developed by Sage. Recognized as a leader of sales and service by Sage Software, JCS Computer Resources works with businesses throughout the Midwest. JCS recommends, implements and trains on ACT!, Crystal Reports, MAS90, MAS200, Peachtree and Timeslips software solutions. Future workshops in the series will include these product lines.
JCS Computer Resource consulting solutions include classroom training, product installation, accounting software design, setup and on-site implementation assistance, crystal report writing as well as phone support. As part of Sage's National Speakers for the SBA and Score Associations, JCS Computer Resource works both with customers and Sage to recommend enhancements to the products and additional services provided to users. For more information on JCS Computer Resource Corp., please visit www.jcscomputer.com or call 847/255-0835.
Web Site = http://www.jcscomputer.com
Contact Details = 27698 Franklin Road, Southfield, MI 48034. 866-467-7672